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Kay Metzler

Are you tired of trying to live up to others’ expectations?

Allow us at B2AW to leverage over 20 years of experience in the counseling, education, education, nonprofit and business consulting fields and take some of the load off as you allow someone to accompany you on this journey towards greater peace. Believe to Achieve Wellness (B2AW) was created in 2020 to give you hope.

What I am:

  • Empathetic
  • Fun
  • Challenging
  • Collaborative
  • Empowering
  • I am a puzzle-solver, identifying your stressors so you can move forward with peace and a positive outlook.

Kay Metzler is the Founder and President of Believe to Achieve Wellness, LLC, a mental health practice listed as an approved Counselor through the Cleveland Diocese through the Marriage & Family Ministry Office, in PsychToday and Catholic Therapists.

Who I am (Your therapist’s style):

Nearly every client says this style fits well with their needs to achieve their therapeutic goals:I am REAL and say it like it is as you learn new ways to solve your stress and interrupt life or family patterns that contribute to that stress. I have traveled and worked overseas, experienced many other cultures, and enjoy working with those with deep cultural roots. As a first generation Italian-American, I speak Italian as well as Japanese and some Spanish. I also have a large Catholic following and we can integrate nearly any faith and cultural background into counseling, if requested, as sources of strength.

I find it empowering to journey with teens, parents, women, couples, to find real solutions to life’s challenges. Contact me today (link to the reach out page).

I look forward to working with you.

What I Treat:

  • Anxiety
  • ADHD
  • Trauma
  • Transitions to high school, college and new careers
  • Couples and infertility
  • Childbirth trauma
  • Women’s health issues
  • Postpartum depression
  • Marriage preparation

What I do NOT treat:

If you suspect or know you are struggling with the following, it would be outside the scope of practice of B2AW to treat the following:

  • Active or recent suicidality
  • Self Injurious Behavior such as cutting
  • Severe depression
  • Schizophrenia
  • Substance abuse of any type
  • Active partner violence or domestic violence
  • Bipolar I nor Bipolar II Disorder nor mania
  • Active or contested or expected parenting custody cases
  • Active court or legal involvement
  • Recent psychiatric hospital stay
  • Complex PTSD
  • Complex OCD
  • Any Personality Disorders
  • Medically averse
    (Many choose B2AW for their willingness and diligence in their efforts to coordinate care with trusted medical and psych providers. 
    If a prospective or current client wishes to re-establish trust in the medical or psychiatric system, B2AW may be a fit. 
    For those who eskew any potential medical or psych intervention that  may be recommended during the course of treatment, then B2AW is likely not a fit for you.)

    NOTE: B2AW reserves the right with all prospective and current cases to determine the right fit and refer cases out often to larger agencies with more wrap-around services such as group therapy, medical or psychiatric services on site, case management, workshops and other services that unfortunately are not available in a smaller private practice.

Personal Story:

Kay Metzler grew up in a large Catholic Italian family and is a proud product of the Akron Public Schools and St. Vincent-St. Mary. She has been married over 20 years and has a few children here on Earth and a few “cheerleaders” in Heaven spurring her on this journey where she truly enjoys every minute of working with her clients and families. 

Kay is well versed working with families with high praise from her long-established relationships in Northeast Ohio. She is known for guiding blended families, those of mixed faith, mixed racial and ethnic identities. With one parent “fresh off the boat” and another who was first generation, Kay grew up having to be independent and advocate for herself and a brother on the autism spectrum. In her home, a combination of English, Sicilian, & Italian was spoken with Kay spending many months with family in Italy. Kay then learned French, Spanish, & Japanese and traveled all over Europe, Japan, Australia and Latin America for fun and consulting projects. Recently, she returned from a planning expedition in Costa Rica and will soon take a group of therapists on a much-needed retreat to rest, relax and heal.

She has used her languages for her global consulting work over the years and dives in when she is able to learn why and how your faith and cultural transitions shape and mold you. She seeks to learn something new each session about how your perspective may be impacting what is bringing you to counseling.

Clinical Specialties

  • Women’s Issues: Transitions to/from workplace and work/life balance, Career Coaching and Health issues, such as postpartum depression, infant loss, miscarriage, nutritional consulting, coordination with OBGYNs, endocrinologists, PCPs, psychiatrists, and medical providers regarding hormonal imbalances and reproductive health.
  • Teens & Kids: struggling with school, relationships, test anxiety, Executive Functioning or ADHD, possibly on the Autism spectrum, Anxiety and Trauma
  • Couples and Families: Idea for those who have done the individual counseling work and are now ready to work on these core relationships and need marital counseling or parenting coaching.
  • Clergy and lay women and men: Discerning their calling in life.

Diagnostic Philosophy: Who is in Your court working with your medical and/or school teams?

In general, Kay tends to diagnose “up” meaning that even if you have a history of several diagnoses, your assessments and responses to questions as you develop a relationship will be used to determine your official diagnosis. For billing purposes, insurance companies require some mental health diagnosis after the first appointment.  She will often begin with the “lightest” diagnosis possible. Kay will utilize a temporary, called provisional diagnosis and then will be transparent with you as/if that diagnosis needs to change.

Common Tendency\Situation

Kay’s Proven Approach

Rely on Dr. Google or friends

Leverage over 8 years of licensed experience determine the best diagnosi

Confused between medical & mental symptoms that overlap

Known as the expert in challenging medical & school cases to collaborate and use differential diagnosis==sifting and sorting out confusing and often overlapping symptoms that could be indicative of a myriad of diagnoses.

Tired of the rollercoaster of hormones & medical symptoms colliding

Leverage 19 years in women’s health & formal training in Natural Family Planning to collaborate with area OB\GYNs, PCP s & endocrinologists

Tried EMDR, other neurocognitive approaches, traditional talk therapy

Many find that Accelerated Resolution Therapy can combat deeply seated anxiety, depression, trauma & grief.

Continue to keep “it all inside.”

Accelerated Resolution Therapy is also proven effective for clients who are very private. Only minimal info needs to be shared to determine your goals for ART to guide the healing process.

Rely on only 1 method or approach

It may take a multi-pronged approach: prayer, spriritual guidance, Unbound session, medical and\or psychiatric collaboration to target & finally “break up” with what has been dividing your healing efforts.

In other words, a formal mental health diagnosis may change over time as the medical or academic concerns are worked through in a collaborative team environment. In the interim, you can scroll through these various mental health diagnoses to help in providing the main symptoms that are occurring to your sessions.

B2AW credentials:

Kay’s experience includes more than 8 years of counseling leveraging a strong foundation developed in two of the larger community mental health agencies in our area (Child Guidance & Family Solutions and Red Oak Behavioral Health based in Akron Public Schools), then as a School Counselor in public and Catholic schools specializing in the IEP process and as a parent advocate and student advocate. For Believe to Achieve Wellness, she primarily operates under the LPCC and MFT licenses below while still retaining her knowledge as a School Counselor. 

  • Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC) E.2001711 renewing 4/24/2024; through Ohio Counselor, Social Worker, and MFT Board
  • Marriage & Family Therapist M.1800077 renewing 8/20/2024; through Ohio Counselor, Social Worker, and MFT Board
  • School Counselor licensed through Ohio Dept of Education


  • While Kay Metzler is independently licensed as a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor and can practice without supervision, she elects to continue to learn the best and newest ways to serve her clients with bi-weekly Marriage and Family supervision under Dr. Noelle Chappelle, MA., L-IMFTS, EMDRIA Certified (LE-00026599,F.1600024-SUPV ) of Ascension Counseling in pursuit of independent licensure as a IMFT. 
  • Kay’s licenses can be verified at any time at https://elicense.ohio.gov/oh_homepage and the Ohio Department of Education. 


  • M.S., School Counseling, University of Akron, Akron, Ohio, May 2020, 
  • M.S., Marriage and Family Therapy and Clinical Mental Health: University of Akron, Akron, Ohio, May 2017
  • B.B.A, Marketing, Minors in International Business & Japanese, Ohio University, June 1996

Certifications & Key Training:

Current & Past:

  • Accelerated Resolution Therapy Certification awarded by the Rosenzweig Center for Rapid Recovery
    – Basic Certification awarded 12/7/2023
    – Advanced Certification 6/2/2024   
  • Accelerated Resolution Therapy Coalition Against Trauma member
  • Child Parent Psychotherapy Early Childhood (Ages 0-5), Level 2 Certification, January 2024 
  • Child Parent Psychotherapy, Level 2 Certification, January 2024
  • Natural Family Planning Teacher Certification, Diocese of Cleveland, May 2006 & Couple to Couple League October 2009
  • Prepare\Enrich Certified Facilitator, June 2014, Renewed June 15, 2020
  • Girls Ruling Our Experience Girl’s Self-empowerment Program Facilitator, Girls Rox, January 2022
  • Grief Counseling: Adjustment Process & Group Counseling, Cleveland Diocese, March 2016
  • Perinatal Postpartum Depression Training, Postpartum Support International, May 2016
  • Play Therapist, Child Guidance & Family Solutions, April 2017
  • Sand Tray Therapy Certified, Child Guidance & Family Solutions, December 2016
  • Trauma-Informed CBT through Summit County Children Services
  • Youth Suicide Prevention Subcommittee Member 2019-Present 
  • Youth Suicide Prevention-A Community’s Response, Summit County Children’s Services, ADM Board & Akron Children’s Hospital, August 2018

Kay Metzler is a member of: